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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Keeping it "Real"

"Real Estate"-
noun, Law. estate or property consisting of lands and of all appurtenances to lands, as buildings, crops, or mineral rights (distinguished from personal property).

 Getting "real" about your estate means looking honestly at all aspects of of the place we call "Home".  The financial, physical, aesthetic, emotional and philosophical facets will be discussed in the only way I know how; straight from the hip.

My following posts here will explore where we live, what we live in and why we live there as well as how, when and why to buy or sell that place that is so basic and important to most all of us.

While I have spent two-thirds of my life in the business of building, buying and selling human dwelling places (and a few canine dwellings along the way), I ,by no means, claim to "know-it-all".  I welcome your comment, discourse and debate.

One thing I have learned; "Home" means something different to each of us.

What does "Home" mean to you?

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